Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Basics of Advertising Your Product

    First thing, take everything I say with a grain of salt, but remember, I'm probably a lot like you.

When Axe deodorant advertises it's new pungent, pre-teen panty dropping, Justin Bieber-esque spray-can or roll on deodorant, the producers of the commercials include many situations in which Axe deodorant can make your life better(it probably can't).  Now just between you and me, I got tired of Axe after countless hours of my freshman dorm radiating the thick lingering scent into the atmosphere disintegrating the ozone layer bit by bit every Friday and Saturday night. But when that lanky man with that mediocre build swathes himself in the aromatic Axe, he instantly becomes the main attention point of what seems to be the most exceptionally attractive women within reasonable smell-distance, despite being way out of their league. As women flock to his presence, the viewer thinks one of two things, 1) this is bull****, OR 2) this is the key to losing my v-card (once again returning to the pre-disposition that Axe is in fact an interest mainly in the teenage or younger department).  Now, despite the product being hit or miss among consumers, the advertising is there to be the main buying point.  One can go to the store and test out the different scents, but what drives the person to get up from their couch or chair to purchase some of this product is the advertising. When Burger King slaps that thick angus cut char broiled burger on the fluffy bun affixed with crisp lettuce and thick cuts of red tomato, no one can help but want that burger, and the producers know that. Advertising is where the perks of the product come out.  TV magic accentuates the beauties and benefits of the product while also coinciding with other compositional aspects of the advertisement to make the product as necessary as possible.
     Now even though these types of commercials are generally going to be seen on TV, we need to remember that this is the age of Zuckerberg, these advertisements belong on Facebook and Youtube, as far as this blog is concerned.
     Advertise your product, your establishment, or even yourself as the highest of quality, even if it isn't.  

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