Sunday, February 16, 2014

Social Networking: Ones Shenanigans (Part 2)

 First thing, take everything I say with a grain of salt, but remember, I'm probably a lot like you.
    Take a picture of yourself (preferably a selfie because right now it's hella in), now post it on any social networking website, in those two steps, you are successfully marketing your own face.  Now apply that process to a music video you made, now that it's not just a picture and it can satisfy more than one sense, this engages a marketing of your vocal talent on top of your physical appearance.  Putting yourself onto a social networking website is not only one of the quickest forms of marketing, but it is also the easiest way to catch the attention of the largest amount of people in one place as possible.  Just over 1 billion users visit Youtube per month according to Pew Research Internet Project, all possible viewers of your video, however I am not saying that you are going to get the whole billion.  These sites act as doorways to the eye sockets of millions of social networking users, including people who could see your video/article/picture etc. and actually make something of it.  According to yours truly, Wikipedia "The Free Encylcopedia",1.2 billion plus people have a Facebook account.  Coaches, agents, directors and mangers alike use Facebook.  People who know people,  people who know people who know people can catch a glimpse of your post and be a bigger help than one could ever imagine, sending you on a one-way to your goal.  One of your random instagram followers could have tripped Nick Cannon in an airport once, and they could possibly see your 10 second freestyle scroll through there instagram feed.  What it comes down to is connections, that is what marketing is all about, selling yourself or your product as the highest of quality and as a necessity to everyone, and with social networking websites you have billions of connections already in your pocket.  Bill Cosby didn't have this, he had to work his jello puddin' pop's to the top with blood sweat and tears.  But virtually everyone has it now, so utilize it.
     Whether it's recording a monologue or a music video, selling your homemade Christmas ornaments, or advertising your sandwich shop or thrift store, social media is your own personal telephone post or restaurant window for your advertising.  Take aspiring bodybuilders and fitness models, they take half-naked mirror selfies of them flexing multiple times daily, but if someone happens to be impressed, then there is a possible sponsorship or modeling job on the table.  Take it or leave it, this social media thing is pretty sweet, and now is the time to hop on board, because whether people like the progression in the times or not, the middle schoolers of America are heartily spreading this crap like wildfire.  

1 comment:

  1. Great post Benjamin. You can definitely attract a HUGE audience through social media. But what does it take to get that much attention? Not everything on YouTube gets millions of views. What do you think it takes to catch on? Keep up the GREAT blogging.
