Sunday, March 2, 2014


 First thing, take everything I say with a grain of salt, but remember, I'm probably a lot like you.

     Youtube, the frontier into the viral video world, where one can immediately go from watching polar bears getting tickled to being an eye witness to Mike Tyson gnawing on Evander Holyfield's ear.  Established in 2005, youtube has been an absolute powerhouse for countless hours of procrastination while also allowing both talented and entirely untalented people find a way into their dream of being in the spotlight.  Jessica Rose, Lin Yun Chun, Arnel Pineda, and Justin Bieber (don't worry if you don't know who that last person is) are all examples of people who have been discovered by uploading videos or having videos of themselves being uploaded onto youtube.  Now because he has obviously found the most success of the four listed internet sensations, is easily causing the biggest movement of the group, and is staged to skyrocket into music history, it would be unquestionably senseless to not choose Arnel Pineda.  For those who live directly beneath a rock and do not know who Arnel Pineda is, he is the angel-voiced current lead singer of the rock band Journey. The band, originally formed in the early seventies in San Francisco, took notice of videos of Pineda performing Journey cover songs in his band, The Zoo.  With his voice sounding almost identical to Journey's former singer Steve Perry, the band brought Pineda in for an audition and practically on the spot gave him the position as the lead singer of the most objectively decided greatest band in the world (from 1973 until ABBA makes a comeback). One video, 15 seconds or 15 hours (not 15 hours people won't watch that), one video has the opportunity to go viral*, and not only be viewed by millions of people but also by Journey.  However, enough getting caught up in the glamour of making one video and having it bound into internet stardom, because though that is happening more and more often as of late, we have to be realistic, which means realizing the fact that this requires work.  
     As an example, when making a sketch comedy channel, the first video is most likely going to be absolutely awful, depending on whether the cinematographer or the actors have had any experience or not. But from that point on, I can personally promise that as long as there is a genuine drive to perfect this craft and turn it into something legitimate, the only way is up.  That being said, the first attempts are the most important.  The mistakes, the atrocious equipment, the outdated or just basic technology and the overall inexperience is what will soon be molded into an art form.  And don't you dare just "get over" and "move on" from those mistakes. It's the same reason that people say, "if you don't teach history then it's bound to repeat itself." (I swear people say that).  Not only will you avoid these mistakes in the future, but they also become building blocks for learning and becoming more adept later on in the process.  
     Multiple videos a month, it will allow the channel to have a presence on the website and it will also provide as a much needed learning experience.  In as simple of terms, the more you make, the more likely one is going to be "the one."       
*Viral (video)- A video that gets shared at a rapid rate through social media websites including facebook and youtube, but is also likely to be passed through email.   

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