Sunday, April 20, 2014


     To be honest, this one may be a bit short, and here is why.  Instagram is a mobile app and website that allows people to post a picture or a video with a caption on a newsfeed along with the rest of whom he/she is following, with features that include personal direct messages and the capability of posting video as well as pictures.  These features limit the amount and character of the content being posted.  HOWEVER, do not fret, because YES, the popular app that has allowed people to brag about food and being in Maui for the past three years can still be used in correlation with the previous social networking outlets written about in the previous blogs as a tool for marketing.
     Instagram is a very simple concept, yet there are many underlying features it carries that many seem to gloss over, features that could further the spread of ones own content.  Despite the humor in their creation and their existence, hashtags a.k.a.  #'s are a portal from the instagram of a person who has three followers to the attention of millions, just by using a commonly used hashtag.  If I post a picture of a sandwich at my brand new sandwich shop and then hashtag something like "#sandwich" then it will be intertwined with possibly thousands of other pictures that have shared the same tag.  If someone clicks on the tag, it will take them to a separate page that shows all of the pictures across the whole insta-sphere in chronological order. This feature mentioned above, remember, is just one small aspect of it, as an aside, not many people are constantly perusing the world of hashtags, but that does not discredit them.

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